Wild Side Sex Book of Kink by Midori

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Wild Side Sex: The Book of Kink: Educational, Sensual, and Entertaining Essays by Midori. Tired of standing on the sexual sidelines? Wonder what it's like to be a real kink adventurer? Let world famous Midori lead you into the thick of it. This new collection of smoldering wisdom and and frank essays explores the Wild Side of Sex, including these burning subjects: Is Your Prospect a Proper Pervert? Fetishism: Sex, Romance, and Ritual, The Heart of Erotic Humiliation, Finding the Power Femme, This delightfully twisted new volume entertains and titillates as well as educates, an erotic personal adventure exposing Midori's most helpful and empowering secrets. Midori is an educator and writer on s/m, fetish and human sexuality. She has traveled the world presenting to universities, the s/m community, media and the greater society, and lives in San Francisco, California. Paperback: 200 pages. Publisher: Daedalus Publishing Company August 2005. Language: English. ISBN-10: 1881943224. ISBN-13: 978-1881943228. Product dimensions: 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches by 0.6 inch. Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces.

Weight: 0,63       Manufacturer: Daedalus Publishing Co.

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