Marathon Sex

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Marathon Sex Paperback by Sonia Borg. Incredible Lovemaking Experiences Hotter and Longer Than You've Ever Done It Before. Get the toe-curling sex you have been dreaming of! The only thing that makes a good thing better is more of it. Marathon Sex gives you scenarios for prolonged lovemaking sessions that deliver incredible techniques and positions that make sex last longer and build to incredible orgasms. From seduction to foreplay to positions one, two, and three, each of these multiple hour scenarios provide a sex date hot enough to put the sizzle back into any relationship. She comes again and again and again. Blow her mind with multiple intercourse and oral techniques that hit all of her hot spots. It is a tie use sens ate focus and the coital alignment technique have simultaneous orgasms. Sexalicious spice things up with savory sex techniques that will make your kitchen the second sexiest room in the house. Going and coming out on the town build sensation and excitement all night long with your hottest pub crawl ever. Every scenario gives you hours of moves and lets you explore a different side of sex and intimacy from playful to kinky. Marathon Sex gives you inspiration, techniques, and positions from start to finish line. Author: Sonia Borg earned her Ph.D. in human sexuality and masters in public health from The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. She is certified as a clinical sexologist by the American College of Sexologists and is a member of The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. Sonia has been featured in television, radio, and print on Discovery Channel Canada, Playboy Radio, Good Morning San Diego, and Cosmopolitan. She is a sought-after speaker, educator, author, and sex expert.Format: Paperback, 144 Pages. ISBN: 9781592334810. Published by Quiver Books.

Weight:       Manufacturer: Quiver Books

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