Loving Sex

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Loving Sex Every Woman's Guide to Sensual Sexuality by Ellen Nicolas Rathbone. Develop the understanding, skills, mindset and understanding to be a great Lover. Learn about tools, toys and techniques that will enhance your intimate experience, so of which are thousands of years old, all of which are proven to increase the pleasure of loving sex. In this joyous, lively and entertaining book, learn to consciously enjoy your sexual and sensual life to the fullest, without shame! The author, the founder of Your Pleasure,Inc., shares what she has learned through thousands of intimate, honest conversations with women in the course of her home-based Pleasure Parties. In this enlightening book, she advocates for equality within sexual relationships, taking personal responsibility for your own sexual and sensual pleasure, and, above all, knowledge as power, in bed and out. Included among the many, many tidbits of fascinating, new information, the most popular sex toys and how to use them. specific techniques for your exquisite pleasure, including spider's legs and shrimping, learn whether you are a wife, a prositutue or a Hetarae with a chapter on: Why Monogamy Doesn't Have to Mean Monotony.

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