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The Oral Sex Position Guide 69 Wild Positions for Amazing Oral Pleasure Every Which Way Book by Emily Dubberley. Format: Paperback, 144 Pages. Item: 210782. ISBN: 9781592335558. Publisher: Quiver. Great oral sex is as much about the motion of your hips as the action of your tongue and lips. The Oral Sex Position Guide brings you 69 positions that make fellatio and cunnilingus fun, fantastic, and unforgettable. From mild to wild, each position offers specific benefits such as easy deep throat action, pleasurable prostate play, anal-play access, or maximum clitoral stimulation. Specifications: Illustrations: 69 color photos. Size: 8 inches by 10 inches. Weight 1.125 pounds. Published: May 1st 2013. A Quiver Book. Category: Sex & Intimacy / Sex. About the author: Emily Dubberley is a British author and journalist specialising in sex and relationships.

Weight:       Manufacturer: Quiver Books

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