Field Guide To Fucking

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The Field Guide to FUCKING A Hands-on Manual to Getting Great Sex Book by Emily Dubberley. Field guides to birds, bees, and trees abound. However, until now, there has been no handy reference to the wildest creature of all, the horny human, in his natural habitat - the bedroom. The Field Guide to FUCKING is a hilarious encyclopedia that shows how to identify physical characteristics and bizarre seduction rituals of the creatures that are likely to be encountered during sexual forays. Hey, even members of the same species can have anatomical differences, right? What does one do when encountering a mushroom-headed penis or a hooded clit? Each entry cross-references which techniques for fucking go best with each genital size, shape, and quirk. For example, if you run across a large, thick penis, avoid positions where the female's legs are over her head unless she doesn't mind having her cervix bumped. The Field Guide to FUCKING teaches you how to map out your partner's primary erogenous zones and decode sexual signals based on body language, kissing, and touch techniques. Sex has attracted many adventurers in search of its oft-elusive pleasures. The Field Guide to FUCKING is your indispensable guide to navigating the rocky terrain of mating and seduction with ease. Health and Fitness, Sexuality, Sex and Intimacy, Sex. Author: Emily Dubberley. Format: Paperback, 144 Pages.ISBN: 9781592335091. Publisher: Quiver.

Weight: 0,75       Manufacturer: Quiver Books

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