Talk Dirty To Me Courtney Cummz Audio CD

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Talk Dirty To Me Courtney Cummz CD featuring the female porn star on a disc. If you have ever fantasized about Courtney Cummz, you will not want to miss this dirty talk CD that lets you indulge yourself to the tune of Courtney Cummzs hot voice. Zero Tolerance brings you a CD full of sexy audio tracks voiced by Courtney Cummz herself, the goddess of adult film. SheÂ’ll talk you through oral, anal, cowgirl, doggy, missionary, fast and slow, and then she begs you to come at the end! Simply load the tracks onto your Smart Phone, MP3 player, tablet, stereo or anywhere you would listen to music. Then sit back, relax and let Bree talk you through the hottest sex you will ever hear!

Weight: 0,08       Manufacturer: Evolved Novelties

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