Position Sex Mini Book by Lola Rawlins

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From the Quiver series of mini book. Position Sex Mini Book by Lola Rawlins. Everything you need to know about 50 wild sex positions all in petite, easy to carry around mini book. For couples who might be stuck in a one position nooky rut, this mini Position Sex book gives couples quick ideas on how to spice up their sex life and be more adventurous in the bedroom or any room, counter, or chair in the house. Each of the 50 positions offers a four color photograph of a wild sex position with its name, for example the Carnal Crossbow. You will learn how to arrange the position and details the challenges and pleasures specific to each move. The guide features full-color photographs of each hot, new position, as well as acrobatic variations on good old standbys, such as the missionary position. Lovers can take position tips with them anywhere as they expand their bedroom repertoire.<br /><br /> Size: 4 inches by 5.6 inches. About the author: Lola Rawlins (New York, NY) is the author of Position Sex. She has edited several sex books related to harnessing sexual energy and taking it for a ride. She has been researching creative positions for years, counts on trying a new one tonight, and hopes you do, too.

Weight: 0,35       Manufacturer: Quiver Books

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