Fighting The Crusade Against Sex

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Fighting the Crusade Against Sex: Being Sex-Positive in a Sex Negative World by Jill McDevitt. Take an attractive young blonde, a sex shop, a political candidate...add a Catholic church, and you have the recipe for a riveting controversy that riddled a wealthy Philadelphia suburb and divided a community. Follow the quandaries of Jill McDevitt, a determined recent college graduate with a degree in sexuality and a love of pushing the envelope. After opening a sex shop and education center with a focus on female pleasure at just 21 years old, Jill and her shop, Feminique Boutique quickly become the center of a firestorm in conservative West Chester, Pennsylvania. When the pastor of a neighboring Catholic parish, a Republican candidate for State Representative, and town officials fight to shut the boutique down, the townspeople revolt in a sexy, modern day version of David and Goliath. Part memoir, part social commentary, Jill reflects on a series of romantic relationships that sparked her interest in sexuality while contending with insulting catcalls from parishioners, navigating a legal battle, and managing an unexpected local media craze and the ensuing cause Fighting the Crusade Against Sex is a compelling story that exposes our culture's archaic shame of sexuality, the dangerous ability of the self-righteous to control the law, and the power of the American entrepreneurial spirit. Paperback: 246 pages. Publisher: Open Door Publications (November 6, 2011). Language: English. ISBN-10: 0983875014. ISBN-13: 978-0983875017. Product Dimensions: 8.9 inches long by 5.9 inches wide by 0.7 inches deep.

Weight:       Manufacturer: Open Door Publications

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