Oral Sex Deck

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The Oral Sex Deck 50 His and Her Tongue Techniques for Toe Curling Ecstasy by Beverly Cummings. Sexy how to photography and everything you need to know about 50 oral sex positions all in a deck of easy to carry around cards. Hotter oral sex is right at your fingertips. While other books require you to learn an entire approach or set up a whole scenario, The Oral Sex Deck has a pick up and play approach. Simply pull a card, learn a great technique quickly, and use it on your partner tonight for mind-blowing pleasure. Illustrated with sexy photography and illustrations, you will learn how to tease and please multiple hot spots and yield amazing orgasms. Author: Beverly Cummings. Format: Card Deck, 50 Pages. Item: 211013. ISBN: 9781592335701. Publisher: Quiver. Specifications Illustrations: 50 color photos. Published: August 1st 2013. Category: Sex and Intimacy / Sex.

Weight:       Manufacturer: Quiver Books

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