Manhatten MadamS SecretS To Great Sex

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The Manhattan Madam's Secrets to Great Sex Expert Advice for Becoming the Best Lover He's Ever Had Book by Lainie Speiser and Kristin Davis. Kristin Davis, the famous Manhattan Madam, reveals the seduction and sexual techniques that her clients paid thousands of dollars an hour for and that garnered her the largest and flashiest client list in the industry in this tell-all guide. Drawn from her top-secret manual used to train her high-end escorts, The Manhattan Madam's Secrets to Great Sex teaches women how to seduce a man completely and keep him intrigued before and after the clothes come off. Covering everything from body language and sexual technique to charm and flirtation, as well as figuring out his secret fantasies (and how you can become them), this is the ultimate manual to getting and keeping any man. About the authors: The Manhattan Madam, Kristin Davis is the woman behind one of the most successful prostitution ring in the history of the sex industry. Busted in 2008 for her affiliation with New York's Governor Eliot Spitzer, she has accumulated the largest little black book in the industry, with more than 10,000 names. In 2009 she released her book The Manhattan Madam: Sex, Drugs, Scandal and Greed Inside America's Most Successful Prostitution Ring. Kristin has appeared on 20/20, 48 hours, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, The Insider and even went head-to-head with Sean Hannity and won him over. She has made many friends and fans in the music industry and has done dozens of radio shows including Eminem's Shade 45, Opie and Anthony, and the nationally-syndicated Wendy Williams Experience. Lainie Speiser is the publicist and columnist for all of the Penthouse magazine titles and Friend Finder, Inc. Her books include Confessions of the 100 Hottest Porn Stars, Naked Ambition, Threesomes: For Couples Who Want to Know More, Hot Games for Mind-Blowing Sex, The Manhattan Madam, and The Little Bit Naughty Book of Blow Jobs. She resides in Hoboken, NJ. Paperback, 144 Pages. ISBN: 9781592335022. Publisher: Quiver

Weight: 938       Manufacturer: California Exotic Novelties

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